Launching a New Website

Launching a New Website

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."  - Friedrich Nietzsche

At MDK Business Law, our clients and business colleagues have noticed our metamorphosis over the past few months to a downtown law firm.  Along with our fresh client-friendly offices, new hires and greater investment in technology-supported legal services, we wanted to renew the look and feel of our website.  We chose to build the site on PageCloud’s platform, as we’ve always had great customer support from them in the past.

Why embark on this daunting exercise?  We were inspired by a podcast on Lawyerist ( that reinforced the message that our website must contain clear, concise and useful information for you.  Our website is also a central location from which we can provide the public with more timely access to general legal information via our Twitter and LinkedIn updates and posts.

It took several iterations, consultations, the need to overcome some technical challenges and frankly, some internal soul-searching.  We are very proud to finally launch our new website:  We believe that it reflects our on-going commitment to serve you well.